Saturday, November 29, 2014

French army juuuuust about finished

Good news everyone! I have fixed the poison slime pipes almost finished my French army for Lasalle.

My core division is now done with 6 battalions (3 Ligne and 3 Legere), and a light cavalry brigade (2 chasseurs-a-cheval and 2 hussards). This has allowed me to begin working on my next army - the Austrians, an Avant-Garde division to be precise.

Current state of the army

Light Cavalry Brigade on the left, Core Infantry Division on the right

The two Chasseurs-a-Cheval regiments I'm really happy how they turned out. I was debating on which colors to use for the facing, and after much debating on between red, orange and yellow, I settled for orange and red. I think the regiment with orange facings really look totally cool. I think the red made it a bit generic, but still, I think they'd totally fit right in my army too.

I also finished off the 3rd battalion of the line infantry (though I may have the battalion flag colors... wrong? Was the third battalion flag red, or blue? Such things I probably should've researched more). Also finished up the second battalion of my light infantry regiment, as I prefered how the colors look, compared to the first iteration of the color scheme which I felt was a bit too dark. Ended up giving the second battalion a little more "old school" pre-1805 style etendard.


Legere battalion 1 and 2

All in all, I'm mighty proud I started a 10mm napoleonics project. I was really uncertain earlier on how it would size up and look, and in the end, I think it adequately give a 'massed' feel. I also concluded that I wont be doing anymore Legere like I did using mixed figures in a "engaging formed line". The white piping on the boots and all those extra details felt absolutely tedious as hell, and was not fun at all. Besides, I think my current 1 Line to 1 Legere ratio is a bit too much, and I'll be trying to go for a 3:1 ration from now onwards. Legere regiments were less common after all.

Core Infantry Division

Light Cavalry Brigade. Dragoons aren't pard of this brigade, but I wanted to paint them up anyways

I still haven't painted any generals, as I'm waiting the arrival of the ADC (Adjudant-Chefs Aide-de-Camps) pack from Magister Militum as well as excellent bases from Renedra ( - seriously check those guys out for cheap and excellent plastic bases in all formats). That way with some ADCs, I can have a nice diorama style General de Division, and brigade generals from appropriate branches (cavalry general, infantry general). As I'm also working on some of my own rulesets that is more about leadership and command & control, having additional aides and generic ADCs would be excellent as well to have around. My generals will be based on circular bases, 20mm and 30mm if I remember correctly what I ordered.

I also have some more French infantry (Pendraken) and voltigeurs (Magister Militum) that will be arriving - those will be painted up and put into an Elite Infantry Brigade. I plan on using mixed miniatures of the line and line in greatcoats to make a proper rag tag group of veteran soldiers, probably of the 57e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne, and use the voltigeurs pack as the 9e Legere in irregular/skirmishing formation. After purchasing Austrian Jaegers from Magister Militum, I think I prefer the more varied poses in their skirmishers.

I also have a regiment of the Eclaireurs-de-la-Garde-Imperiale arriving from Magister Militum, but thats more of a non-army list related project. I've always been interested about that regiment, and of course, I love variation and unique snowflake units.

For my Austrians... I derped and did not take them with me to take pictures, but I'll post some pictures when I'm done with them. Suffice to say, they're looking pretty good. I'll see about getting some pictures tomorrow.

Also have some pictures of my finished Flames of War German armored cars, but that'll be in a different blog entry for the sake of organization.

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