Sunday, April 20, 2014

'Utrinque Paratus'

I find myself with a quiet Sunday and thought that I would take this opportunity to introduce the first of my three projects.

Leon got me into Flames of War last summer and since then I have collected enough models to field a decent sized army of the stubborn buggers. I haven't really made any concerted effort to get them all painted however so hopefully this blog will give me the kick up the ass that I need!

I do not currently live in the UK which means that getting hold of models can be a bit tricky to say the least. I'll tend to 'stock up' on models and then paint them over time before my next trip back to Blighty allows me the opportunity to pick some more up.

The general idea is to model an army based on Operation Market Garden, and hopefully in the not-too-distant future take on Leon's Germans.

Below is a shot of what I have so far.

1 Para Company
1 Para Mortar Platoon
Some Para Snipers
1 Para Machine-gun Platoon
4 Para Pioneer Squads
1 Airborne Assault Squad
4 6pdr Guns
2 17pdr Guns
4 M1A1 75mm Howitzers
2 Cut-down 15cwt trucks
4 Para Jeeps
Lieutenant-Colonel Frost and an assortment of officers
I also have a Sherman Armoured Platoon (Not technically available to Paras)

I painted up a couple of test bases to work out an easy but effective colour scheme (I posted the images of these in my last blog so will not re-post them here). I was very happy with the look of the models but did not like the bases at all. I then got going on my 75mm Howitzer teams. This time I used the plastic rural bases that Battlefront do. They needed a little work as the bases were not designed for the older Para models (at least I think that this is the case). I am very happy with the final results. I'll put a step-by-step guide up in the near future.

Next up is to do a full platoon of regular Paras and re-base my test models. Plenty still to do!

"Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half as melancholy as a battle won."
The Duke of Wellington

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