I was concentrating on my Napoleonics but a new development put a halt on proceedings. The Perry's are putting together some new Peninsular British Infantry. Now I have been using 1815 style uniformed Brits up until now and they are nice but they are not in the correct shako and I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me! The new figures look fantastic and come 'on campaign' which is exactly what I want.
Until these are released I will be giving the British a rest. I do still have a battalion of French infantry and some Spanish guerrillas that are due a paint job soon though so not a complete break from all things Napoleonic.
To be honest the main problem I have had is that I have so much stuff lying around that I tend to get dragged from project to project without getting anywhere. Recently in a bid to get on top of it all I went through everything and recorded what there is to do. I decided to put on hold any new purchases until I clear some of the current back log. That means mainly that my foray into Bolt Action will have to wait.
To start with I decided to clear much of the 40k stuff that I have. There were two reasons behind this. The first is that this is currently the only game system in which I have opponents willing to play. I have finally been getting in some games and I have to say I have been loving it. My choice of faction has much to do with this. You cannot help but have fun with Orks whether you play them or play against them. At a small 500pt level the game is quick and has none of the clunkiness that is associated with it at larger points levels. The second reason is that I genuinely enjoy painting the models. They are full of character and I don't find them a chore.
I have now almost finished my 500pt force. There are plans to expand this force to 1000pts in the future (no larger) but for now I just want to get the first 500pts finished. These guys started out as an experiment into painting over a white undercoat and using Citadel Washes. I am happy with the way they have turned out. Some of the models (the Kans in particular) are awaiting varnish and then their bases will be finished with grass tufts.
Converted Warboss
Not the best photo of the first Boyz Mob
Awful photo of the Grots but they are just Grots...
Kan 1
Kan 2
Kan 3
The final Boyz Mob WIP
Next up is a 500pt force of Skitarii. The models are incredible and provide a nice change to the headlong charge of the Orks. I picked up two boxes of them. The addition of a 5 man (machine?) squad of Sicarian Infiltrators will take the force to 500pts. These then are what I will be painting up over the next couple of months. I will probably take them to 1000pts at some stage but right now I am happy to have two 500pt forces to play with.
With any luck I will have these finished before September and then I will have cleared the backlog of 40k. This will leave me with my British Paras for Flames of War and my Napoleonic French. I have had a hard time getting motivated to paint the Paras as I find all the camouflage a bit dull especially at 15mm. I will get around to them though! My Napoleonics will continue rumbling on. I love painting the bright uniforms and am very happy with the look of the finished models but I have no opponents lined up and so any actual gaming still feels miles away. My uncle has started to paint up a French army however so that is a step closer. Realistically I am a year or two off having enough models to play a proper game with.
Finally there will be one last project that I am looking to start but only after I have painted up the two 40k armies mentioned earlier. I am planning on collecting a 30k Heresy Sons of Horus army. This will be for myself and give me something to really go to town on. I have no plans on how big it will be or what exactly will be in it. I will instead let it grow organically painting up whatever takes my fancy, a bit at a time starting with Ezekyle Abaddon, First Captain and Master of the Justaerin...
Excellent stuff! I've been slowly dragged back into napoleonics, but nothing major. Had a bit of a burn-out I think painting all those line infantry battalions. But! I'm headed to Waterloo today, so will make a proper blogpost when I get there!