My old man got me playing my first wargames when I was younger. He owned two Napoleonic armies, one British and one French. My dad painted some of the figures but time was always an issue and so the vast majority of the 15mm collection were commissioned. Looking at them now the standard is poor and basically made up of a black undercoat with some very basic base coats slapped over the top.
My Napoleonic project is really for my dad. I picked 28mm as this is my favourite scale to paint at. The only other consideration was that the entire collection had to be metal. I love the feel of a metal model and the reassuring weight of them as you move them around. My dad hates the feel of plastic models and so although there are many quality plastic models out there this was going to be an all metal project.
I plan on painting up two small armies to start with set at the height of the Peninsular War. Part of the fun of Historical Wargaming is the research into uniforms and unit strengths. The British Army will eventually comprise of the entire Third Division under Sir Thomas Picton (selected in part due to my Welsh heritage). I haven't got around to the French yet but the photo below shows the bulk of the First Brigade under Major General Thomas Brisbane.
As you can see, lots to do!
I have been working on the attached riflemen of the 5th Battalion, 60th Royal American Regiment of Foot. They may not be as famous as their cousins in the 95th but they were just as deadly!
WIP - base coats only.
There is much work still to do but these models are an absolute joy to paint! They all come from Perry Miniatures and the sculpts are great with very little cleaning up required. They have enough detail to look good without causing the painter a headache! More photos to follow once they are completed...
"Ours (our army) is composed of the scum of the earth - the mere scum of the earth."
The Duke of Wellington
Oooo, I cant wait to see how those 95th Rifles come out!