Saturday, April 26, 2014

Finished! 10th Hussars, 1815

Finally got done with my Hussar, and have to say, I'm really proud of it.

At first I was a tad disappointed with the Perry plastics because I felt that the details werent deep enough, and there were cases of some details being blended with other details. Its certainly not computer-designed laser-etched plastics like from the Plastic Soldier Company guys, but you can tell that the original master sculpt was hand sculpted, and not computer sculpted. For that, I think I can definitely appreciate the work that went into this, and considering the Perry twins were basically the one of the original sculptors for Games Workshop, have to say, I'm not let down, and the "old school" nature of the model really fits with the napoleonic feel.

I'm still getting used to the macro settings on this phone camera, and seeing as it has better resolution than my old camera from 4 years ago... would rather use this. Sorry if its a bit blurry, been trying to get as close as possible to show the details.

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