I had a couple days off this week, so that easily translated into 8 hour painting sessions (okay, maybe not that extreme) to get most of this done without reducing quality. I did however, manage to find ways to increase the speed of painting, using a mix of washes and less intricate colors and detail that would otherwise over-crowd the figures. As in, I'm not sure I really need to paint up the Hungarian lace on the upper thigh for each individual Grenz trooper, for example.
Also finished up the work from the week before by adding flock, so this is what they end up turning like:
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1er Regiment d'Eclaireurs de la Garde |
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57e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne (Elite Line Infantry) |
The Eclaireurs came out okay, but I still have my doubts on Magister Militum. I ordered French Line Lancers from them because the preview screenshot showed better proportions - so we'll see how I feel when they arrive. But I think they might be the last Magister Militum "troops" I'll order (aside from personalities and generals, that Pendraken dont stock); their proportions are just something that feels off.
The Elite line infantry unit, which is to say, regular line infantry with mixed greatcoats had the effect I was looking for. Campaign worn, but badass. I really like that look, as it makes it look much more realistic than troops in pristine uniform. Now the challenge... how to differentiate them from my future french units that have greatcoats, but are considered as veterans. Hmm, that's something I'll have to think about (different flag pattern maybe?) or paint up the Swiss.
* * *
For the Austrians, I added the second battalion to my 'Hungarian' regiment, IR19 "Alvinczy". The painting of the flag almost became a nightmare, but the end result was pleasing.
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Hmm okay, this actually looks good. |
I had my doubts whether I could pull this off because of how intricate Austrian flags are. For my Grenz, I decided to go with orange facing (no reason in particular, I already did light blue for the line infantry, and felt green would be a little hard to see? Red seemed to be overdone by looking at pictures on Google), and thus came to represent the Grenzregiment n.3 "Carlstädt-Oguliner".
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The flag seems to fit quite well |
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Close up of the Grenz |
Part of me feels that maybe I should've taken an actual order of battle, like say, Wagram, and rebuilt the roster, but I feel that that's a little too detailed / button-counting for my taste, as I'm primarily painting for the enjoyment, and the eventual possibility of playing casual games, and not specifically refighting a specific battle with the exact regiments being modeled.
And so, the Austrian army for now:
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Avant-Garde Brigade/Division |
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Oh, oops. I noticed just now that one of the Austrian stands are a bit camera shy and facing the other way.... |
I still have the 2nd battalion of the Grenz to paint, and that's all I have in my collection for the Austrians to do. That said, I have already made an order to start filling up the gaps. The addition of a general will round off this Avant-Garde brigade or division (havent created the proper roster), and I have ordered enough components for a regular infantry brigade from Pendraken to support the above: x4 'German' line infantry battalions (or 2 regiments), with their position artillery and brigade general.
Likewise for the French, I have a brigade of 4 battalions (2 regiments) with their artillery battery and general arriving within the next few weeks.
I still have a French general, the Elite line infantry battalion and artillery battery left to paint to complete my Elite infantry brigade.
I love the hand painted flag! When you are looking at 10mm scale models the flag really makes the unit pop, more so than at 28mm and even then the flag makes the unit. Nice work!