Sunday, July 6, 2014

In Germany....

Well, I haven't updated my part of the blog in a while - mostly due to laziness and distractions. Yea.... PC Gaming due to Wildstar being released sucked me in again.

I have to admit, I'm still struggling to keep concentrated on this project. I love the figures, I love the way I've created moving trays for them, and I really can't wait to play Lasalle.... but the eternal problem of lacking an opponent I think is one of the primary factors thats killing it.

I'm currently on a two month mission here in Germany, so I wont be back in France between the end of August. I did however, bring my napoleonic minis and my paints with me to work on this while I am here. Through in retrospect, I do wish I had brought some Flames of War Germans as well, because I'm actually in the mood to paint some Fallschirmjagers.

I think the key to make myself motivated to paint more Napoleonics to watch the 1970s classic, 'Waterloo' again.

Its crazy to think that I've actually managed to paint up two divisions in 6mm, but I'm struggling to complete even a brigade in 10mm! 6mm being FAR more tedious and annoying to paint up!

Again, I think it just comes down to people in France where I live, are just not really into Napoleonics, and considering it was already hard enough to find the few people interested in playing and painting Flames of War, I should be happy....

This line infantry battalion I painted about a month or two ago. Made them more rag-tag, a couple mismatched uniforms here and there, and some shako covers to give the overall feel of being battleworn. I find making them battlworn and a bit rag-tag to be far more interesting than if straight out of the factory - then again once can only look through my images to see that this concept applies to just about all my miniature painting :)

I'll try and work on some more napoleonics while I'm in Germany.... but I need motivation ><

1 comment:

  1. I would have thought that the French would be all over the Napoleonic Era! I completely understand the lack of an opponent bring you down. That's what this blog is all about! Keep up the good work... I want more 10mm goodness!
