Friday, February 20, 2015

Hobby Update

I've been hammered at work the last few weeks which resulted in no painting at all for a while there. Thankfully I'm now on holiday so have been catching up on several of my projects...

With my two brothers coming up to stay the first thing that I did was head to the local hardware store and buy a 4x4 section of wood to use as a tabletop. I then put together the Industrial Terrain set from War Games Tournaments. The results are below. Altogether I am very happy with the set and can't wait to paint it up and add some more details to the table.



I also managed to get some gaming in! I took on my brother's fledgling Tyranid army with my Orks. We played two games (my first of 7th edition). We rolled up Relic the first time which led to an Ork victory, just. Most of my force was pummeled by the Nid Monstrous Creatures in a drawn out combat but my sneaky grots managed to get away with the relic and claim victory!

The second game we rolled up was Crusade which sets the sides up to capture D3+3 objectives. We rolled up 5 objectives. The Nids attacked piecemeal and were smashed by the Orks wiping them out to the last bug. I really enjoyed playing and we didn't find it difficult to get going only turning to the rulebook every now and again. Next time I doubt we will even need to do this. I do really like how the separate Psychic Phase now works despite being on the sharp end of it! Playing Orks also helps in terms of enjoyment. Unfortunately I did not get any photos but I will get some up soon.

The table was primarily put together to play some Necromunda on. Whilst we didn't get to play we did manage to put together the majority of our gangs in readiness for future battles. My Scavvies are all glued and ready for painting now.

Gang Leader (courtesy of Forge World)


 Plague Zombie Followers

My two favourite models are my two conversions. The first is my Scaly which was relatively straight-forward. An Ork Nob's body and arms with a cut-down Kroot's head and a little green stuff. I have so many models to paint up that I am treating these guys firmly as playing pieces as the whole point of getting into Necromunda was to play some games.


The second conversion is my favourite and was a bit more involved. I call this guy 'The Butcher' and I think that if i really enjoy Necromunda he will eventually lead his own (extensively converted) gang to war.

'The Butcher'

Finally I finished up my two French artillery guns. The iron on the limbers took much longer than I anticipated but I am once again happy with the result. I went for a sun damaged green and if you look closely both guns feature wear and tear. Finally I used weathering powders to recreate the soot on the barrels. The photos don't really do these guys justice. I'll have to have a look at my photograph set up and see if I can improve things for the future.